In the studio I have my ten new demo tracks on repeat. I am starting to get them under the skin. Yesterday I worked on some sequences with Modularmoog sounds. It sounds tremendous. The new tracks are upbeat, electronic and very influenced by The Alan Parsons Project, Moloko and Madonna....
What a mix!

There's a beautiful halo around the full moon tonight. I haven't seen a moon halo in about ten years. It reminds of Andreas Vollenweider's 'Down to the Moon' album. Haven't heard that one in ten years either by the way.
Andreas Vollenweider was the first real musician I ever met. A very nice person and a great inspiration for me at the time.
Now back to bass lines performed on microchip pitch corrected analogue synthesizers...
Realizing that my live performance dreams has been put on hold, I have started working on new material. I now have ten tracks. Some of them have song like structures, and others are merely loops. This time I try to make the music more radio-friendly. Some of it might even work on the dancefloor (!). Once again it will have lyrics, but I haven't written any yet. Right now I focus on beats and pulsing synth-basses.
For now....
Yes, I've got a new album out! Back in december 1999 I boldly announced that my forthcoming album 'Constructions' would be released 'within six months'. How naïve I was. Just about eight years later it was actually released, and about a week ago it went online on the iTunes Store in Canada, USA, Australia, Japan and most of Europe.
And now, within a month of it's release it has sold much more than my two previous albums.
As you might have guessed, I'm quite happy. Now I am looking for business partners in order to make 'Constructions' available as regular release as well. Actually I have considered having it pressed on vinyl and packaged as a gatefold. I looove gatefold LPs.
Anyway.... I'll catch up with you soon!