May 31 2024 1:11 PM
The end of the 'Thaw' era...

A long time ago - back in 2019 to be precise - I released the album 'Thaw'. 
It was an album with a slightly different atmosphere than the albums that came immediately before. In turn, the album tied my first two instrumental albums together with my later song-based albums. Half a year after the release of 'Thaw', I should have played some festival concerts with this particular album as a focal point, and I produced a lot of material for the concerts. But as everyone knows, Covid19 came and made the world strange.

Covid19 put everything on hold and I stopped working on my music, which means I haven't released a new album since 'Thaw'. And when the world returned to normal, it felt strange to draw a line across what was. 'Thaw' was unfinished and I felt like I had to do the concerts that never materialized.

Some of the venues I was originally supposed to visit no longer existed and others were no longer interested. So it felt like starting all over again. When the concerts started to be booked a year ago, I revisited the material originally made for the concerts, and I decided not to have such a one-sided focus on 'Thaw', but also to include other music from my body of work.

For over a year, all my artistic activity has been about concerts. I like to adapt each individual show to the setting in which they are to be played, and this applies to all aspects such as film sequences, set lists etc. This means that all the concerts I have played have been unique. And speaking of unique, the last venue was absolutely unique.
Brønshøj Vandtårn, with its raw concrete walls, twenty meter ceiling and several raw columns, is a place I have wanted to play for many years. And on 18 May we finally succeeded in enveloping the tower in sound, light and laser.
The show was not the easiest to set up, as the column structure made it difficult to find suitable space for my videos, and the room's enormous reverberation was a challenge in itself.

Light designer Mikkel Møller Larsen, sound engineer Jens Søbæk and I visited the tower some time beforehand, where we discussed the possibilities and designed everything for the room. This meant new arrangements of the music, new videos and a new light show.

And let me add a few words about Mikkel and Jens. Concert technicians are an underrated profession that is often overlooked. But they do an essential job, and often work harder and more than the musicians! I have had Mikkel and Jens in my team since 2019, and they are absolutely fantastic to work with! Eventhough they are not on stage, they are completely indispensable, and these concerts could not be done without them!

It took over 24 hours to set up our equipment, and when the day of the concert arrived, the event was sold out. There was a long queue outside the water tower, and when the doors opened, DRONNING (who is also part of the band) was already doing a warm-up set on his modular synthesizer. Abstract sounds filled the air as the audience settled in, creating a mysterious atmosphere.

We opened the main set with a couple of instrumental tracks before the first singer was introduced. I have worked with the singer Julie Frey for about twenty years, and she appears on several of my albums, not least 'Thaw' where she is responsible for all vocals. But we have never managed to perform on stage together before. Julie's crystal clear voice filled the room before the evening's second singer, Tanja Hollerup who has sung at all my concerts, was introduced.

A third singer was also present. Anders Brandt, who I haven't worked with since the 'Tesla' album from 2015, came on stage to sing and play guitar for the track Whiteout, which he also played the studio version of back in 2012.

Photo: Dan Kornbak

Photo: Dan Kornbak

As always, the band consisted of Jesper H. Petersen on bass, Emil Rønning on modular synth, hydrophone and electronic devices, and as something new we had Nicolai Olsen on Chapman Stick. Nicolai was a guest musician when we played at StoreTårn on Christiansø, and when we got a cancellation two days before the concert, he took over and learned the repertoire. Well done!

Photo: Malene Sørensen

The concert lasted an hour and a half and was a tour-de-force greater than the concerts I have previously held. What a way to round off what started as a 'Thaw' tour but was held five years late.
I don't have any more concerts booked, and although I'll probably say yes if I'm asked if I want to play another concert of this kind, I'll now finish 'Thaw' and move on.

May 03 2024 9:59 PM
Two weeks to go

There has been an advance review of the upcoming concert in Brønshøj Vandtårn. While you are reading it, I'll be working on the preparations.


"The well-known multimedia artist Ste van Holm will perform in Copenhagen for the first time in 11 years.

The concert takes place on Saturday 18 May at 8pm in Brønshøj Water Tower, where the audience can experience a show with sound, light, film and laser.

Although Ste van Holm rarely appears in Copenhagen, this does not mean that the man who lives on Denmark's easternmost point, Bornholm, has been on the lazy side. He has previously done multimedia shows elsewhere, including in Berlin, where he was visited on stage by NU Unruh from EInstürzende Neubauten.

The two have collaborated on several occasions, and this bodes well for the upcoming concert in Copenhagen.

There will also be exciting guest performances at the concert in Brønshøj Water Tower, but until the concert itself, you have to be patient and wait to find out who it is.

Tickets can be bought in advance or 'Pay-what-you-want' at the door."