Aug 19 2022 12:45 PM
'Constructions' 2022 remix
Released in november 2007, ‘Constructions’ was my magnum opus. A bleak and industrial sounding album, with twelve uncompromising songs dealing with loss, despair and frustration. I worked on the album for eight years, making it the most difficult work for me to complete.
I still regard ‘Constructions’ as my most artistic ambitious album, but not as my best.
Parts of it wasn’t as well executed as it could have been… had I spend more time. But I have returned to the old multitracks from time to time to see if I could improve anything. And now, just short of its 15th anniversary, I proudly present a brand new mix of ‘Constructions’.
The new version of ‘Constructions’ will be released with some previously unreleased material: three remixes by Karlheinz Kostenlos of Drown, Flotsam & Jetsam and The Noise. There will also be a collection of tracks from the Constructions sessions that didn’t make it onto ‘Constructions’ itself, but would be reworked and appear on later albums. Finally there will be a track that ended on the cutting room floor called ‘Leaving (part 2)’.
‘Constructions/Resurrections’ will be available on most digital platforms september 30th 2022.