In a time where everything has to be as fast as possible, as easy obtainable as possible and as violent as possible, I found myself wanting tranquility. While everybody else is zapping their evenings away with sope operas, wheels of fortune, talk shows and wether forecasts I'm having great pleasure from the beauty of tranquility. Quiet moments can be produced from very restless things. For instance I enjoy lying on top of tall buildings looking at the traffic lights changing from red to yellow, and then from yellow to green, then reversing the event and starting all over again. Watching the pulse. Cars stops, waits, then drives away. again and again. These are quiet moments. I also like watching quiet films. A couple of weeks ago I saw a 30 minute long film about three men planting a Wunderbaum. Nothing happened, there were only one camera, one angle and no clips. Some would claim this to be very boring. But I was very fascinated. Fascinated about the way they made a small thing last so long. It allowed you to think about it while it happened. Not much allows you to do that these days. Have you ever tried counting how many clips you'll see in just one minute in an ordinary film?
One of the only quiet commercial films I've ever seen, was Stanlet Kubric's '2001'. This music is my tribute to the quiet universe created by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubric.
On this album I played everything by hand. I never switched my sequencer on. I played following instruments, in order of quantity: Quasimidi Raven, E-mu Emax, WurliTzer student, Ibanez electric guitar and Fairlight CMI.